
  BLOG INGLES  In this English blog I want to refer to the fact that this last unit was very fun in class, we connected very well with the teacher, which made us understand and make the class a little more dynamic, we were able to learn when we did a good business, and when we did a bad deal and how we could haggle or negotiate, when buying an item, be it technological or clothing, and say what its price.  
  Blog ingles  In these last English classes we have learned a lot, we now know more about the grammar of clothing and how to improve our pronunciation of various objects, this topic has been great fun being able to share it in class, also being able to use the comparative and superlatives in English It is a topic that will help us a lot in our daily lives and to be able to engage in a fluent conversation in this language, and to be able to have comprehensive knowledge as professionals we have also been able to learn how and what are the means of transportation in the same way about some countries that we would like to visit, having as topics the means of transport, departure times and many other things that we have developed in the English class, with the practice and creation of sentences or conversations with our classmates, it helps us a lot to have greater fluency when speaking and thus be able to improve sample pronunciation

Blog Ingles

 Blog Ingles  In this class we have learned to pronounce words better, to lose our fear of speaking in English, it is what I liked the most since we have an excellent teacher, we have also learned how to conjugate sentences in English using the present continuous and the past simple, as well How to use I can and I can't, and I have and I don't have.  We have also been able to share where we have gone on vacation and what countries we have known